

We will talk about it:

  • damages of pipelines, failure analysis reasons and consequences,
  • condition of underground pipelines (assessment and management),
  • operation and maintenance of pipelines,
  • field and laboratory testing of pipelines,
  • trenchless installation of underground pipelines: microtunelling, pipe jacking and others (the examples of realization),
  • trenchless rehabilitation of underground pipelines: repair, sealing, rehabilitation, replacement (the examples of realization),
  • pipes used in trenchless technologies,
  • materials used for repair and rehabilitation of pipelines as well as underground infrastructure installing,
  • devices used in trenchless technologies,
  • devices used for cleaning and diagnostics of underground pipelines,
  • planning and designing of trenchless installation as well as rehabilitation of underground pipelines,
  • road culverts,
  • large – scale tunnelling i.e. underpasses for pedestrians, road and rail tunnels, underground,
  • geotechnical aspects connected with design and implementation of underground structures.